Our ten-member team each experienced an inspiring move of the Lord as we worked with many local pastors and their people in the Tepic, Mexico, area to spread the Kingdom to hundreds of adults and children. This letter is a brief report.
Returning to a region we have worked in before yielded some very special blessings, with this being our seventh time there. The relationships we have built, so essential to our mission goals, yielded fruit in the lives of these brothers and sisters in Jesus, who are now lasting friends. Many of them expressed gratitude for our presence, not primarily for the work projects and outreaches we did, which they appreciated, but for the encouragement we gave them by supporting their ministries and lives in the Lord.
Pictured above is the whole team. To the right are Domingo and his wife, Azucena, with Christa and Timothy. Zion supports them regularly in their mission work in his native Huichol village. Below are Megan and Leaha with two children at Pochotitan, the Huichol village we worked in with Pastor Martin.
Zion’s 2011 Mexico Mission Team
Steve and Timothy Cote, Janelle and Scott Dienner, Frankie Herr, Leaha Howe, Frances Joell, Tasha Lehman, Christa McCardell, and Megan Moffa