Dear Friends,
Hello from my people bubble to yours! Keep in touch, even if you can’t be physically present with others. It is a blessing to be in each other’s lives and share what He gives us. I enjoyed the snow this morning. I don’t really care for a lot of snow, but this was a lovely change of scenery and did not make a mess on the roads. Perfect snowfall. Granddaughter Leona sent a video showing her absolute excitement and unbounded joy with the white stuff.
Today I was reading in Exodus and thinking about how we are reminded that God can control chaos and bring order. He did it when He created the Hebrew nation and brought people out of Egypt. We can straighten up our physical spaces, but plagues or floods, emotional or spiritual chaos can only be restored by God. He gave the Israelites rules to order their lives, and we are given rules also. When life seems crazy and disordered, look for His guidance and presence. God has a blueprint for our days. We just have to follow it. Rejoice, pray, give thanks (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). My prayer today for all of us is that we remember He is near no matter what is going on around us.
Mary Hanna