Hello dear friends of Zion!
I look forward to the day we can all gather in person again. I’ve been encouraged by the communication from many people from our congregation over the past months. I was recently particularly grateful for the perspective I gained from Roger’s honest Midweek Musing last week. His raw words encouraged me to listen to others attentively, whether they share many similarities or few with me.
I’ve been dwelling on the ideas of listening and showing mercy as part of God’s “Royal Law of Love,” as termed by The Message version of the Bible in my recent study of James. If anyone is interested, I can point you to a study guide I’ve been using.
The challenge to live out the Royal Law of Love first struck a cord with me through the admonition to “be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry” (James 1:19 NIV). Not long after that, in James 2:12-13, it says, “Talk and act like a person expecting to be judged by the Rule that sets us free. For if you refuse to act kindly, you can hardly expect to be treated kindly. Kind mercy wins over harsh judgment every time” (The Message). I keep learning practical ways that I can love more deeply as I receive God’s love. Love through listening. Love by showing mercy.
Love through Listening: While I may seem quiet or reserved, I sometimes let my simmering thoughts become harsh words. Harder still for me, I can fail to listen by shutting others out. It might be easy for me to refrain from yelling at or harshly snapping at the person at the checkout line of the grocery store or at friends or family most of the time since that’s not very socially acceptable. However, it’s harder for me to listen with sincerity. I can fail to truly, genuinely hear someone when I think I have that person or situation figured out or when I don’t feel heard by others. It takes God’s help to humbly listen when it’s time to hear Scott while I’m tired or frustrated. I need God’s help to ask my closest friends and “neighbors” questions to truly hear them, even when I’m uncertain about the reciprocation or answers. I need God’s help to truly listen to Olivia as she grows. I want to ask God daily to help me stay softhearted so that I’m listening to others with a heart of love. With all of the current events right now, I’ve had the chance to truly listen to multiple perspectives around me during some tough conversations. I’m trying to press in to hear others’ experiences, perspectives, and concerns. I’m trying, through God’s grace, to listen in a way that people feel truly heard by me.
Love through Showing Mercy: I have also been convicted to love more deeply through offering mercy to others in my words or actions instead of withholding mercy from others. I often think of mercy as showing grace. Another definition is, “kindness that makes you forgive someone.” Unfortunately, it can be easy to be offended, hardhearted, or harsh toward others when things feel out of my control, uncertain, or insecure. God has used people in my life to remind me to be softhearted, gentle, and forgiving, though it still isn’t my first nature. I thank God for his unending grace teaching me to choose “kind mercy” over “harsh judgment” despite my sinful inclination.
Some of you may know that I’m not overly quick with making decisions. In the midst of a week when Scott and I had to make many decisions about listing our house, moving, and remodeling a new house, I had the chance to practice this kind mercy. After a conversation that made me feel lousy and required some forgiveness, followed by a day with a pile of unanswered questions, unopened documents, and unmade decisions with deadlines, ironically, I’ve been close to snapping at my family, even while attempting to write these thoughts about listening and showing mercy. In my imperfect responses, I’ve had to plead through gritted teeth for God’s help with forgiveness, grace, and mercy. I’ve had to ask for more mercy and remember his ultimate mercy.
I pray I can have a heart transformed to choose kind mercy in the smallest moments during my daily interactions. I pray God will grant me a heart ready to listen lovingly. And this is my prayer for each of you as well!
Erica Dienner