Word & Worship Sunday

Event details

  • Sunday | September 10, 2023
  • 9:00 am

Sunday, September 10, 2023, is Word & Worship Sunday, when we gather at 9:00 am for Sunday School and at 10:15 am for Praise & Worship.

Our “Being His Body” Monthly Sunday Framework & Vision notes:

Word & Worship Sunday

– We will gather at Zion for a Sunday like the ones we have known
– Sunday School classes for all ages & Nursery (9:00 am)
– Service in the Sanctuary (10:15 am)
– Church Nursery & Kids Church during service

While being God’s Church is about more than just our physically assembling together, our gathering as one body is incredibly significant.  For the first two weeks each month, we will experience our fellowship in Him through singing, prayer, teaching, preaching, and other ways.